Ep. 6 Faith and Fortitude: The Journey of Jay Johnson

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Welcome to the latest episode of the DO GOOD X Podcast! In this episode, we are joined by Jay Johnson, CEO and Co-founder of Prep Intel, as well as the Founder of College Prep U. Jay takes us on a journey of faith and entrepreneurship, revealing how his deep-rooted beliefs propelled him to take risks and pursue his entrepreneurial dreams. With a blend of faith and diligence, Jay shares the inception stories of Prep Intel and College Prep U, highlighting the careful planning and hard work that went into their creation. As we delve into Jay's experiences, he offers insightful advice peppered with witty quips, showcasing the intelligence and grit that have fueled his success. Join us as Jay shares how his faith has been a guiding force in his entrepreneurial journey, leading to the growth and prosperity of his ventures.

In This Episode

  • [1:20] Kimberly introduces Jay Johnson, and he explains what prompted his entrepreneurial journey
  • [6:58] Jay describes how his pastor’s sermon encouraged him to step out and take a risk
  • [10:10] Discussion of the success during the first year of business and how he collaborated with a nonprofit operating in the same space
  • [15:55] Discussion of how networking within his church brought great connections
  • [19:17] Jay shares how scaling the business so quickly created the need for changing procedures and how he gives credit to God
  • [25:03] Jay discusses the development of Prep Intel
  • [35:59] Jay shares the importance of being agile in your way of thinking
  • [39:27] Jay answers Kimberly’s “Off the Cuff” questions

Key Takeaways

  • [6:01] Most students are unaware that they can appeal the scholarships offered by colleges. Depending on their policies, they could be granted a higher scholarship.
  • [10:07] During the first year of business, 37 students enrolled in college prep. In the second year, the number increased to 2,500.
  • [13.36] Often, it makes good sense to collaborate with your competitors to advance both businesses and to better serve your clientele



Jay Johnson

 is CEO and Co-founder of Prep Intel, which aims to solve the challenges faced by educational institutions and military recruiters in identifying and engaging with prospective students and recruits efficiently, leveraging AI and ML-powered technology. He is also Founder of College Prep U, providing parents and students with accurate information to help them properly prepare for education during, and after high school.

He is a Morehouse Alumnus and President of the Birmingham Chapter of the 100 Black Men of America. Former Executive for a Fortune 100 company, Jay is also a qualified and certified Collegiate Independent Counselor. Having spent years as a Senior Admission Counselor, Jay Johnson is no stranger to the college admission process and have served and chaired many committees. Currently, he sits on the High School Advisory Board for The University of Alabama, The Naval Academy, Clark Atlanta University, and the University of Pennsylvania.

Jay was a finalist for Birmingham Business Journal’s 2021 Cohort for CEO of the Year, Alumnus of BBVA’s 2017 Cohort for Momentum, selected into the Birmingham Business Alliance’s 2022 Inaugural Supply Scaler’s Cohort, Proper Birmingham’s 2022 Inaugural Magic City Match Cohort, AppThink’s 2022 Inaugural Cohort, and TechMGM’s 2nd Tech Accelerator Cohort. He is an Entrepreneur in Residence at Techstars and a member of NACAC and SACAC.