Ep. 19 Empowering Your Team: Leadership Insights for Early-Stage Founders

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  • Welcome to DO GOOD X, hosted by Kimberly Daniel and Stephen Lewis. This episode focuses on the leadership challenges faced by early-stage founders, with valuable insights for all business owners. We discuss the common mistake of trying to manage too many aspects of the business and emphasize the importance of delegating responsibilities to your team. Allow your employees to lead in their areas of expertise by trusting them with control. Casting a clear vision for your team helps them become fully invested in that vision. If you are in need of entrepreneurial support or are interested in learning more about the DO GOOD X community, join the DO GOOD X LinkedIn community today. We're here to support you in running a successful business and to offer encouragement along the way.

In This Episode

  • [1:18] Leadership challenges for founders who employ others
  • [3:08] Stephen encourages prioritizing what needs your attention and not to spend all of your time on the little things
  • [4:47] Kimberly states it is necessary to release control to others in your team to allow them to lean into their gifts and expertise
  • [6:14] Stephen discusses casting vision and empowering the team

Key Takeaways

  • It is essential to lead, equip and support your employees who invest their time and energy into your business
  • Allowing an employee to exercise control and leadership in their area of expertise contributes to the organization's health
  • Many good resources are available in the DO GOOD X LinkedIn community
